Replicas of Haute Couture Evening Dresses

replica Evening Dresses

Here is a perfect example of an inspired dress that could have been made even closer to the original.

The original of this dress is obviously a very haute couture design.  Its cost was near $10,000.  This is out of the price range for most clients.  So a replica just made sense.  However, the client gave us a limited time frame.  The clients budget was only $1000.  And this was hte only image we had to work from so the details can easily get lost.

Even though our version is still a ball gown with varied colors it is not as close as we would like.  This is why we urge all clients to allow us more than ample time to replciate any dress – especially if it is an intricate, detailed or complecated pattern.  We also understand a clients budget restraints.  But the more you are able to afford for your replica the more resources we will have to get your dress as close to the original as possible.

Please keep these major points in mind when you are considering having a replica of a haute couture dress made by any company.